Care home



Room size


Residents per shared flat


Hours available

Special features

Underfloor heating
Large shared balcony
Open communal kitchen
Terrace area40
Common area100
Number of supervisors2
wohnvoll Team
Tree on a field
Care home

The residential care community

Working together

Community and safety

We offer a life in a familiar, safe community with competent service around the clock. Here, everyday life is organized together. Support and care services are available whenever they are needed. Spacious, lovingly designed communal areas invite you to enjoy social activities. The private, barrier-free rooms with bathrooms serve as a personal retreat.

Well connected

Thanks to wohnvoll's close cooperation with numerous local healthcare providers, our residents always have access to a wide range of services and necessities. At wohnvoll village, we offer everything you need from a single source: from delicious meals, either from our restaurant or home-cooked in the barrier-free communal kitchen, to cleaning your laundry and room or apartment. A trustworthy contact person is always at your disposal. Our helpful colleagues in the wohnvoll team will be happy to support you in organizing your everyday life and help you to stay fit and healthy.

3D floor plan


The wohnvoll brochure

Get to know our concept

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